Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"Inspirations" ... Part Two of Three

As I allowed my personal and inner most death pains to surface and be written in this journal/memoir, memories began to flood my soul when my blinded eyes opened to just how important God's Creation of Water really is ... good, clean, healthy, cell cleansing ... hydrating ... water.

Back in early March of 1983, Daddy hemorrhaged.  Mama called Dad's doctor.  We were blessed to have kind-heart-ed neighbors who drove them to Rex Hospital.  Dr. Ashburn was there to check daddy in and begin the necessary blood work and testings.  The medical staff treated daddy with immediate concerns and respect; however, the three of us were in total shock to soon learn that daddy had early stages of colon cancer.  Anytime just hearing the word, 'cancer' ... the outcome wasn't good.

In less than a week Dr. Ashburn scheduled a Colostomy for daddy at 8 am on Thursday.   Back then, that was the best option available for this type of cancer, or that's what they thought until . . .

The night before the scheduled surgery, daddy's phone rang and it was a neighbor calling to share some exciting good news.  Keep in mind that the neighbor was a deacon at a local Baptist Church; however, we are human.

She subscribed to The 'National Enquirer' and was eager to tell us of an Article introducing a New Procedure that had been successful in 200 patients in over nine years -- the survival rate of more than 94% is at least as the rate achieved with colostomy surgery when caught early, destroying cancerous rectal polyps with no side effects and after these Treatments, most could return to work or continue with their daily routine.

Mom and I picked up the paper from the neighbor and arriving home dad's doctor was called.  He asked to meet him at the hospital the next morning by 6 am, as he went on his rounds, so he could research this information.  Keep in mind that this was only 2 hours before dad's surgery and forty-five minutes of that was preparations.

Arriving, Dr. Ashburn sat quietly in the hospital room reading the article.  Then, he turned and, rushed out.  Within 20 minutes he came back in with a huge smile on his face telling us that the article was true.  That he had spoken with Dr. Benjamin Sischy, Clinical Professor of Radiation Oncology in Rochester, New York.  (Dr. Sishcy passed September 23, 2000 at the age of 82.  Link for his life accomplishments and Obit: https://www.nytimes.com/2000/09/27/.)

The colostomy surgery was cancelled and the following Monday, Dad began his once weekly Airplane trips to Rochester for his first of Six Week Treatments ... "3-Minute Treatments Cure Rectal Cancer -- Without Surgery.  Daddy lived a long and happy life to the age of seventy-five.
A Footnote: 
     Learning of mama's continued discoveries in the Prevention Magazine of water was to the body, he soon made a total transformation.  Dad's doctor later shared that drinking water could have been a significant part in dad's recovery and quality of life . . . um,

Daddy, John W. Ferrell

Stay tune for Part Three next week . . .

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