Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Process of Elimination. . .

Kangen Water® and Constipation ... will it help?

A bit on the unpleasant side, however, I think you'll enjoy the cartoon's:

It isn't at all a pleasant subject; however, many hundreds of thousands of people live with it.  The most common solutions are laxatives which only offer a temporary relief; whereas over time, years of usage -- can be dangerous to the point of weakening the colon walls and has a potential of becoming habit forming as well as an onset of a more serious condition.

Although adding good nutrition; fruits, vegetables, and a good exercise routine helps ... also adding alkalized water, through the process of electrolysis, helps to lubricate our organs down to the cellular level and continues to moisten the linings for a more smoother and complete releasing process.

So, what really causes Constipation?  Diet?  Lack of Exercise?  Stress?  Soft Drinks?  Sport Drinks?  Sugary foods including our Daily Food intake?  Can Tap Water actually be a cause of Constipation?  How about simply being Dehydrated cause it?

Now y'all, I like a good old fashioned ham/cheese burger as good as the next one, and on occasion, I'll stop and get one ... but notice I said, "On Occasion"!

Not every day.  Not even once a week.  But when I crave one; could be up to six months, I'll stop and buy along with French Fries/Curly Fries, some sort of dessert but I'll NOT order a drink unless it's 'free' and then I'll add a portion of Kangen Alkaline Water® which helps reduce the sweetness of the drink and I think I'm doing a good deed ... lol.
     **Were you aware that you are not suppose to drink anything with your meals?  That you should have enough liquid from the food you are eating to help swallow.  That by drinking with your meals you are actually washing away any ingredient value to your system.

STOP, and THINK about it!**

In the Book, The Enzyme Factor, Dr. Hiromi Shanya, MD talks about our Colon and highly recommend everyone; children, adults, and pets to drink Kangen Alkaline Water®.

If you happen to get a chance to purchase a copy, it will be well worth your money.  Several bookstores on google.com has it and the price ranges between three and ten dollars.  Amazon.com too!

If you have access to an online audio book club, and are in doubt or skeptical, then give this a try ... it could actually change your life!
Check out Page #74!

17 Noted Facts:

Then,.these just might help in a more regular routine (keep in mind that some go every time they eat, some once daily, while others every two to three days).  However; if you are only going once a week or longer in time, please take note ... YES, this is very important for you and your family's health and well being!
     Add a few, add a lot, just add them along with good, clean, refreshing and restructured Kangen Alkaline Water®.

Portions of the following article were taken from https://www.healthline.com

     Keeping yourself regular is the cornerstone of a healthy life. It rids the body of toxic waste and keeps the digestive tract moving in a more regular manner.

Were you aware that over 60 million American's are affected by a digestive disease? A high - stressed life style along with a poor diet (fast foods are among the most convenient)?

So, let's take a look at the recommendations that suggests these 17 Foods to help with our digestive systems:

#1__BERRIES                        #10__ARTICHOKES                               
#2__PRUNES                         #11__BRUSSELS SPROUTS
#3__DRIED FRUIT                 #12__SWEET POTATOES
#4__APPLES                          #13__OATMEAL
#5__BEANS                           #14__BROWN RICE
#6__LENTILS                         #15__ALOE VERA = EATABLE? 
#7__NUTS AND SEEDS        #16__PRO-BIOTIC FOODS Include:
                                                             Apple Cider Vinegar, Sauerkraut, Natto,
                                                             Kefir, Kimchi, Pickles, (misco soup)
#8__BROCCOLI                     #17__PRE-BIOTIC FOODS Include:
                                                              Garlic, Leeks, Onions, Banana,
                                                              Advocado, Asparagus, Kiwi,
                                                              Dandelion Greens, Chicory Root,
                                                              and Jerusalem Artichoke

More on this Subject in the next few weeks; so, stay tune . . .

Please leave a comment.  If you have questions don't hesitate to ask by Texting and leave the best time to call.  Thank you!

https://HealthyHydration.info, Cell/Text: 919-614-4569

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